Farmer-led Tools, Dashboard Development, and the Future of Farming (Farmer Dashboards)
The Farmer-led Tools, Dashboard Development and the Future of Farming project is interested in identifying participatory ways of collecting farm-level data, and in understanding how that data can be made accessible to smallholders – with particular focus on women and girls – via ‘farmer dashboards’ to improve their farming practices. The project is funded by Global Affairs Canada’s Fund for Innovation and Transformation (GAC FIT) and implemented in collaboration with the Coady International Institute (Canada) and the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) of India.
Project scope and aim
The project builds on previous ICRAF work in the Middle Nyando Block, straddling Kisumu and Kericho counties, including the Accelerating Adoption of Agroforestry (Triple A) project, an asset-based community-driven development (ABCD) project implemented from 2015 to 2019. The project works with lead-farmers to develop individual farmer data reports that feature various analyses of farm-level data that had been collected over the previous 6 years with the help of the paper-based integrated household leaky bucket tool.

Qualitative research is conducted to understand the Triple A lead-farmers’ expectations and interests in terms of (a) the kind of data, (b) level and detail of analysis, and (c) data representation and visualization to inform their practices in a relevant and evidence-based way.
The results will feed into the Farm Leaky Bucket mobile phone application to adapt and improve the application’s functioning and personalized data report and dashboard features.
October 2022-June 2023
Key members and partners
- Coady Institute
- SEWA India
- Global Affairs Canada – through the Inter-Council Network’s Fund for Innovation and Transformation Program

‘Middle Nyando’ area encompassing parts of Kisumu and Kericho counties, western Kenya
Key contacts
Lisa Fuchs, ABCD team lead (
Added value to the Agroecology TPP
This project specifically focuses on the social dimension of agroecology in both theory and practice, but also fosters on-farm resource efficiency and synergies since it fosters a deep sense of appreciation for and use of existing assets.
Furthermore, the project critically reflects on how external actors can meaningfully interact with communities, for instance by giving back and sharing data that has been collected, and thereby stimulate discussion, co-create knowledge, foster a sense of agency, and inform evidence-based action.
Related media

ABCD’s official website
Discover the latest news, publications, videos, and more – to learn more about the Asset-based community-driven development (ABCD) program

Farmer Dashboard’s dedicated web page
Access dedicated resources of the ‘Farmer-led tools, dashboard development, and the future of farming’ project

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