One Million Voices of Agroecology
Our citizen science digital platform, developed as part of the One Million Voices initiative together with the Agroecology Mapteam, easily allows users – be those farmers, producer organizations, consumers or anyone else interested in agroecology – to characterize and evaluate their diverse agroecological practices and locate them on a worldwide map. An additional feature also enables users to comment on other users’ entries, fostering global exchange and co-creation of knowledge within a community of agroecology practitioners.
So, start sharing, learning, and contributing to the agroecological change!
Explore the citizen science platform and related resources

The One Million Voices of Agroecology platform
Register your agroecological practices and connect with other users

One Million Voices Global Review
Read the summary report that underpinned the development of the One Million Voices initiative and a citizen science digital platform

One Million Voices of Agroecology flyer: Spanish
Register your agroecological practices and connect with other users

Presentation slides
Look through the presentation slides used at the platform’s launch webinar for more info and context