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#ConnectingTheDots with Dr. Fergus Sinclair

Can the world meet its nutrition demand with agroecology? Can these agroecological transitions be done equitably while helping to reverse climate change? 

These are the latest questions that host Ajay Vir Jakhar tackled in his interview series, Connecting the Dots — a show that “seeks to answer questions all of us should be asking” about food and the economy. During the episode, he talked to Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) chief scientist, Fergus Sinclair. 

“The ultimate goal is a transformed food system,” said Sinclair. “That relates to consumption patterns as well as production methods.” 

Throughout the interview, Jakhar — who also chairs the Bharat Khrishak Samaj (Farmers Forum, India) — and Sinclair discussed paths towards agroecological transitions including context-specific farming practices and the 13 principals of agroecology. 

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