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The Metrics Library is coming!

Get ready for an exciting resource coming your way next year!  We’re developing the TRANSITIONS Metrics Library: an online database that will provide a collection of metrics and tools for evaluating the performance of food and agricultural systems with a new and holistic approach. This user-friendly platform will act as a one-stop shop for usersContinue reading “The Metrics Library is coming!”

Những gì được đo lường là quan trọng: Đánh giá các hệ thống nông nghiệp – thực phẩm cho một hành tinh hữu hạn

Khung tổng hợp mới hướng nhằm tìm kiếm “một sân chơi công bằng” cho những cách tiếp cậntoàn diện Các hệ thống lương thực là trọng tâm cho sự tồn tại của con người – và cũng là các tác nhân chính gây ra các thay đổi môi trường. Vì thế, không ngạc nhiên khiContinue reading “Những gì được đo lường là quan trọng: Đánh giá các hệ thống nông nghiệp – thực phẩm cho một hành tinh hữu hạn”

Put farmers first when scaling agroecology tech, say experts

Experts emphasize inclusivity and reciprocity in the development of digital tools for agroecological transitions A virtual workshop held on September 10, 2024, entitled ‘Using digital tools to support climate & agroecological transitions at scale’, showcased the considerable potential of digital tools to supercharge agricultural and food systems change—but advocates must move with caution and listenContinue reading “Put farmers first when scaling agroecology tech, say experts”

Measuring the impact of agroecology on food security

Testing a novel methodology across five countries in sub-Saharan Africa Agroecology can benefit food security by diversifying crop production, increasing soil fertility, upping productivity, boosting ecosystem services, and improving biodiversity. Its potential may be especially relevant in sub-Saharan African countries where most people still rely on agriculture, and where climate change is having significant impactsContinue reading “Measuring the impact of agroecology on food security”

Medir lo importante: Parámetros para sistemas agroalimentarios en un planeta finito

Un nuevo metamarco para la medición holística del desempeño de sistemas alimentarios y agrícolas  Nuestros sistemas alimentarios son centrales para la existencia humana, pero también son factores causantes del cambio ambiental. Por lo tanto, no es de sorprender que personas de todas partes del mundo traten de medir, monitorear y evaluar los varios componentes deContinue reading “Medir lo importante: Parámetros para sistemas agroalimentarios en un planeta finito”

Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive digital tools to scale smallholder agroecology

Agroecological food systems, guided by nature, can provide ecosystem services and promote equitable, climate-conscious decision-making. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), farmers need easy access to resources and support to transition to climate-resilient production systems.  The EU-IFAD Agroecological Transitions for Building Resilient, Inclusive, Agricultural and Food Systems (TRANSITIONS) program aims to enable this transition throughContinue reading “Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive digital tools to scale smallholder agroecology”