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Making waves: centring water in agroecological research and practice

“Water is foundational to food provision,” said Sarah Freed, a scientist at WorldFish, during an online session at World Water Week, ‘Incorporating water management and aquatic food in agroecological transitions’, which was held on 23 August 2023. It is estimated that globally, seventy percent of all the freshwater we use is spent on agriculture, sheContinue reading “Making waves: centring water in agroecological research and practice”

Should references to water and aquatic foods be made more explicit in the 13 HLPE agroecological principles? Have your say in an E-Consultation!

An E-consultation is now open to gather feedback on a number of proposed changes to the 13 HLPE principles of agroecology with the aim to make the references to water, aquatic foods, and the key actors that use and manage these resources more explicit, thereby increasing awareness and encouraging greater integration of these aspects in agroecologicalContinue reading “Should references to water and aquatic foods be made more explicit in the 13 HLPE agroecological principles? Have your say in an E-Consultation!”

New citizen science platform allows everyone to shape agroecological transitions

The One Million Voices of Agroecology platform maps sustainable practices around the world and promotes the global exchange of knowledge and experiences within the agroecology community Citizen science actively involves people in the generation of new scientific knowledge. Engaging the broader community, beyond those who already consider themselves to be scientists, is an important aspectContinue reading “New citizen science platform allows everyone to shape agroecological transitions”

Stories from our CoP: Roald Klumpenaar

The second issue of our ‘Stories from our CoP’ series – a regular series in which we give space to the inspiring voices of our Community of Practice members – is with Roald Klumpenaar. Roald, tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and what you do at Bopinc and, more specifically, with theContinue reading “Stories from our CoP: Roald Klumpenaar”

Making agroecological transitions happen: Pause and Reflect workshop of the Agroecology Initiative

More than 50 team members of the Agroecology Initiative gathered in Tunisia in March 2023 for a Pause and Reflect workshop. This activity was part of a CGIAR guided adaptive management process and efficiently co-organized by the enthusiastic ICARDA initiative team based in Tunisia.   The event was also the opportunity for participants who represented eightContinue reading “Making agroecological transitions happen: Pause and Reflect workshop of the Agroecology Initiative”

Reflecting on the present and envisioning the future: Agroecology TPP holds its first annual Members Forum meeting

Recently, institutional members of the Agroecology TPP came together to discuss progress and set priorities for the future in the first Members Forum meeting – an annual gathering in which representatives of key stakeholder groups and institutional members of Agroecology TPP examine the latest research findings and key knowledge and implementation needs, and address otherContinue reading “Reflecting on the present and envisioning the future: Agroecology TPP holds its first annual Members Forum meeting”

Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive digital tools to scale smallholder agroecology

Agroecological food systems, guided by nature, can provide ecosystem services and promote equitable, climate-conscious decision-making. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), farmers need easy access to resources and support to transition to climate-resilient production systems.  The EU-IFAD Agroecological Transitions for Building Resilient, Inclusive, Agricultural and Food Systems (TRANSITIONS) program aims to enable this transition throughContinue reading “Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive digital tools to scale smallholder agroecology”

Agroecological practices are widely used by African farmers

Preliminary findings from the Viability Project now available By Richard Coe (CIFOR-ICRAF) and Nadine Andrieu (CIRAD) The title of this blog mirrors that of a new working paper by the Agroecology TPP, published today. It was deliberately chosen as a bold claim that is both contentious and important, and is just one of several importantContinue reading “Agroecological practices are widely used by African farmers”

Stories from our CoP: Ibrahim Bahnasy

From the Agroecology TPP’s Stories from our CoP series, we present our first Q&A with Ibrahim Bahnasy. Ibrahim, tell us a little bit about yourself and your background I am a young changemaker and an environmentalist from Egypt. With a BA in Agriculture, I am also a Co-founder of an eco-startup Orgoooo. A young entrepreneur, then! Does Orgoooo standContinue reading “Stories from our CoP: Ibrahim Bahnasy”