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Những gì được đo lường là quan trọng: Đánh giá các hệ thống nông nghiệp – thực phẩm cho một hành tinh hữu hạn

Khung tổng hợp mới hướng nhằm tìm kiếm “một sân chơi công bằng” cho những cách tiếp cậntoàn diện Các hệ thống lương thực là trọng tâm cho sự tồn tại của con người – và cũng là các tác nhân chính gây ra các thay đổi môi trường. Vì thế, không ngạc nhiên khiContinue reading “Những gì được đo lường là quan trọng: Đánh giá các hệ thống nông nghiệp – thực phẩm cho một hành tinh hữu hạn”

Put farmers first when scaling agroecology tech, say experts

Experts emphasize inclusivity and reciprocity in the development of digital tools for agroecological transitions A virtual workshop held on September 10, 2024, entitled ‘Using digital tools to support climate & agroecological transitions at scale’, showcased the considerable potential of digital tools to supercharge agricultural and food systems change—but advocates must move with caution and listenContinue reading “Put farmers first when scaling agroecology tech, say experts”

Des mesures qui comptent : indicateurs d’un système agricole et alimentaire dans un monde fini

Si nos systèmes alimentaires sont vitaux pour l’existence humaine, ils sont aussi en grande partie responsables du changement climatique. Il n’est donc pas surprenant qu’aux quatre coins du monde on tente de mesurer, surveiller, évaluer les nombreux éléments qui composent les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires pour déterminer leur efficacité et repérer ce qui peut êtreContinue reading “Des mesures qui comptent : indicateurs d’un système agricole et alimentaire dans un monde fini”

Measuring the impact of agroecology on food security

Testing a novel methodology across five countries in sub-Saharan Africa Agroecology can benefit food security by diversifying crop production, increasing soil fertility, upping productivity, boosting ecosystem services, and improving biodiversity. Its potential may be especially relevant in sub-Saharan African countries where most people still rely on agriculture, and where climate change is having significant impactsContinue reading “Measuring the impact of agroecology on food security”

Ethiopia: Farmers make the shift to agroecology – but not without support

Capacity building + resources accelerate transition, study shows The intertwined nature of food, livelihoods, health, and natural resource management can no longer be denied. Agroecology – a transdisciplinary field that includes the ecological, socio-cultural, technological, economic, and political dimensions of food systems, from production to consumption – is accordingly growing in popularity. As the transitionContinue reading “Ethiopia: Farmers make the shift to agroecology – but not without support”

Farmer-led shiitake mushroom cultivation on logs: a shift towards agroecological integration

By Beatrice Adoyo and Edith Anyango of CIFOR-ICRAF and Karina David and Talis Thale of Pro Nobis Agroflorestal Enhancing farm diversification, synergy, resilience, culture and food tradition, are some of the elements of agroecology that are supported by the cultivation of mushrooms. In a recent, enlightening, journey into the world of shiitake mushroom cultivation, farmersContinue reading “Farmer-led shiitake mushroom cultivation on logs: a shift towards agroecological integration”

Medir lo importante: Parámetros para sistemas agroalimentarios en un planeta finito

Un nuevo metamarco para la medición holística del desempeño de sistemas alimentarios y agrícolas  Nuestros sistemas alimentarios son centrales para la existencia humana, pero también son factores causantes del cambio ambiental. Por lo tanto, no es de sorprender que personas de todas partes del mundo traten de medir, monitorear y evaluar los varios componentes deContinue reading “Medir lo importante: Parámetros para sistemas agroalimentarios en un planeta finito”

Doing science differently: working across disciplines to advance agroecology

Practitioners urge careful listening, respect, openness to change By Sandra Cordon Given the complexity and challenges of implementing agroecology—a farming approach inspired by natural ecosystems—across scales, approaches focussed on listening, respect, value alignment and willingness to work differently were emphasized by practitioners at an interactive Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology (Agroecology TPP) workshop on 11Continue reading “Doing science differently: working across disciplines to advance agroecology”

Los Viveros Forestales Como Equipamientos Pedagógicos Para la Educación Ambiental.

Autores: Sergio Esteban Lozano-Baez; Ledis Arango-Vallejo; Carlos Andrés Salazar Salguero. Nos encontramos en una crisis ambiental global, donde es urgente educar a niños y jóvenes sobre la importancia de promover estilos de vida y prácticas sostenibles con el ambiente. Es por ello que la educación ambiental es una estrategia fundamental para el fomento de laContinue reading “Los Viveros Forestales Como Equipamientos Pedagógicos Para la Educación Ambiental.”

The Future of Renewable Energy

Amidst growing global awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability, the underutilization of renewable energy remains a major challenge, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. Dependence on fossil fuels not only exacerbates the climate crisis, but also poses serious economic and health problems. According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR),Continue reading “The Future of Renewable Energy”