The Measuring Agroecology and its Performance (MAP) project aims to generate evidence on the multidimensional performance of agroecology by using the Tool for Agroecological Performance Evaluation (TAPE) and the Agroecology Criteria Tool (ACT).
It strives to foster agroecological transitions through developing stakeholders’ capacities on measuring agroecology and its performance as well as through generating evidence on the contribution of agroecology to holistically achieving societal goals. The project leverages activities of the Metrics project which is part of the TRANSITIONS programme.
The Measuring Agroecology and its Performance project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Project scope and aim

The project will help develop capacity for partners:
- on the use of TAPE and its multifunctional nature with ICRAF country offices, implementing partners and enumerators, and other relevant stakeholders at national and local levels, including decision makers, in selected countries/regions that are able to take up the recommendations derived from TAPE;
- on the use of ACT with staff of development cooperation stakeholders at the country level and key partner organizations at the global level;
- on the multidimensional performance of agroecology and its impact on sustainable development goals and soil health.
To project will also help generate evidence and facilitate transitions relating to:
- measuring the impacts of implementing agroecology through field analyses in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya and Madagascar by using TAPE;
- proof of progress towards agroecological transition by showcasing agroecological intensification at the farm and territorial level (esp. for Kenya and Ethiopia) through the TAPE application process;
- providing evidence for decision-makers from local to international levels based on the results of the TAPE application;
- identifying opportunities for scaling up agroecology in selected regions using data-driven decision-making process;
- co-creating systematic evidence on the degree of agroecological integration in selected development cooperation programmes/projects or selected country portfolios
The project is active from May 2023 up until June 2024.
Key members and partners
The project is implemented by the Agroecology TPP and CIFOR-ICRAF together with:
- The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD)

Funders and Donors
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union (EU) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The project is currently active in:
- Benin
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Madagascar
Key contacts
Agroecology TPP Coordinator – Matthias Geck (m.geck@cifor-icraf.org)