The CGIAR Initiative on ‘Transformational Agroecology across Food, Land and Water Systems’ works with small-scale farmers across seven nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The initiative builds on the premise that to be successful, agroecology must be flexible with solutions tailored to specific environmental, socio-cultural, economic, and political contexts rather than offering prescriptive approaches. To achieve this, the initiative prioritizes participation, co-creation and sharing of knowledge to catalyze technological and institutional innovations; behavioral change across food system actors; and safeguarding social equity and responsibility among farmers and other food system actors during transitions.
The initiative works with farmers and other food system actors to ensure that agriculture harnesses nature’s goods and services whilst minimizing adverse impacts on the environment and improving knowledge co-creation and inclusive relationships among food system actors. It also support the application of agroecological principles in food, land, and water systems, working to co-develop and implement agroecological innovations across the food system.
- Visit the website
- Follow the hashtag #AgroecologyInitiative
- Download the brochure
- To sign up for the newsletter or receive further information, please contact Simone Staiger
Project scope and aim
The initiative works through five separate but inter-related work packages:
- Transdisciplinary co-creation of innovations in Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs)
- Evidence-based assessments of agroecological alternatives
- Development of inclusive business models and financing strategies in the ALLs
- Strengthening the policy and institutional enabling environment
- Understanding and influencing behavior change
Jointly, the different ALLs form an international network of ALLs (INALLs) – a network of territorial food systems for scaling out and accelerating innovation for agroecological transitions.
- Factors influencing adoption of agro-ecological pest management options for mango fruit fly under information constraints: a two-part fractional regression approach [Journal article, open access]

The initiative runs from January 2022 to December 2024.
Key members and partners
Led by the Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT (ABC), the initiative is implemented by a partnership of 7 OneCGIAR entities under the auspices of the Agroecology TPP. These entities include:
- Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT (ABC)
- International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- International Potato Center (CIP)
- WorldFish
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
CIRAD and CIFOR-ICRAF are implementing partners, and Biovision Foundation and GIZ are key scaling partners.

Funders and Donors
OneCGIAR System Council
The initiative is implemented in seven countries – including four in Africa, two in Asia, and one in the Americas:
- Tunisia
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Zimbabwe
- India
- Laos
- Peru
Key contacts
Initiative lead Marcela Quintero (M.Quintero@cgiar.org) and co-lead Chris Dickens.
Individual country focal points and work package leads can be reached through Simone Staiger.

The initiative’s official website
This Initiative aims to develop and scale agroecological innovations with small-scale farmers and other agricultural and food system actors across different socio-ecological contexts in seven low- and middle-income countries.

The initiative’s brochure
Harnessing nature’s goods and services, while fostering social inclusion and co-innovation, for a sustainable food future